Re-Enroll a Participant


There are multiple ways a participant can be un-enrolled from a class they have registered for. This article discusses those scenarios and how you can easily re-enroll a participant with just a few clicks.

How Can This Happen?

  1. The enrollment was canceled by an Admin. This could happen erroneously when cleaning up your data, or it could come off of an incorrect request from the customer.

  2. A participant profile is merged into a new one. When this happens, all current enrollments are canceled. When performing these merges, you will be warned of this.

How to Resolve and Re-Enroll

It is easy to fix this and quickly get the participant back into the class you wish them to be in. To re-enroll a participant, head to the list of active Registrations for a class. Along the top of the page, locate and select the Completed and/or Canceled tabs.

This will show the list of those who have been merged (Completed) or Canceled. Locate the participant you wish to add back to the active roster for the class, and on their line, click the ellipses on the far right-hand side of the page. Choose "Re-enroll Now".

Another great part of this is that it does not initiate a new charge, so you don't have to worry about adding credits to the Account when performing this task.

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