Memberships- Passes, Annual Fees and More


Memberships are a vital function in Captyn with many use cases. Use them to take registration fees - one-time, renewing, per person, or per family; monthly and annual access to classes with check-in limits; special access like early signups and special pricing tiers; and more. Memberships can act as Passes, allowing for a certain amount of checkins based on the Membership package purchased.

Creating the Membership

Create a Membership by choosing the menu stack in the upper left-hand corner of your Captyn Account.

*If you do not see this, please reach out to our Support Team to discuss adding this free feature to your account.

Selecting this will take you to a familiar screen you have used before with Programming. Here, you will see a list of any current Memberships you have created, as well as an option to take Action and + Add a new Membership. Choosing Actions will allow you to Message all Members as well as Export all of these Membership Offerings.

Once you have begun the process of adding a new Membership, you will be taken into the Membership creation flow. First up, you will choose your terminology that best fits what you are creating.

Next, choose how you want to charge. You can choose not to charge (a great option if you're simply wanting to grant access to certain classes that are not available to the general public), charge Monthly, Annually, or just One-time at checkout.

Set your price for this membership.

Choose whether or not to limit the number of members on a single registration. This is a great option if you want to allow for multiple members to be added (think children in a family). If you choose the option to have multiple members, you will set the price per member.

This is a great use-case if it is $20 per member. So for 1 person, the total is $20. For 2 people, it is $40, and so on. If you set things up this way, when a family adds multiple participants to this membership in a singular checkout experience, the price will reflect properly.

Of note: If a family adds two people today, and wants to add another, the Admin of the Captyn account will have to add those additional members so the other family members can register.

You will also determine your Start Date, End Date, and any prorate rules you want to employ on this membership. Prorating only happens if the Membership bills monthly.

If choosing an Annual Recurring Membership fee, you will choose when you want to Start the charge, as well as when you wish to have the fee renew.

Next, you will set Limits on this signup. It is highly recommended to Enable smooth registration. This will allow a customer to add a membership to the cart and then be able to add other classes to the cart as well in the same checkout experience. If you choose to Review each registration... your customers will have to complete the Membership checkout first and then register for classes separately.

If you wish to have a limit on the amount of people that can signup for this membership, you can do so by de-selecting the top option. Doing so will give you the ability to set how many people can sign up and whether or not you wish to maintain a waitlist for the Membership.

Now you can set any check-in limits. This is a great function for Passes, and will be outlined later in this article. Set your limits as a Max per person, reset them, and choose to limit per week/month/year.

Next, set Visibility.

Next, choose the Program to link this Membership to. It is advised to have a unique Program for this, which is beneficial for things like Financial Reporting. Using the Promo Subtitle can be helpful to guide your customers to know what for and why to sign up for this Membership.

Choose Finish and you are ready to use and also Edit this Membership moving forward using the sidebar.

Enabling Memberships on an Offering

Memberships must be enabled on the particular Programming Offerings you wish to link it to for a benefit (lower pricing) or simply access to register for a class (paying a registration fee).

You can adjust your Offering settings to make sure they can accommodate for members signing up. When you create a Membership, if you want it to be tied to a class, you will manage this via the Eligibility tab.

Be sure to disable the option for "Open to all", and then select the groups you wish to be able to register. A setup as shown below would be great if you require a Registration Fee to signup and also offer a special pricing perk for a particular member (Group 2 Families).

*Please note- if your intention for a membership is for Limited Passes or "Punch Cards", you will be using check-in feature to count these attendances. With this, you MUST turn off "All - Including non-members" in order for the system to properly count the check ins.

If you wish to have multiple prices, one for a member and one for a Non-member, be sure to include the option for Non-members to be able to sign up.

In this scenario, a general public participant without a membership would see classes listed at full price when signing up.

If they add a Membership that gives them better pricing to their cart prior to picking a class, this is what they will see. Some classes can have the discount (Basketball) while others don't if not configured that way (Swim lessons).

Using Check-in Limits with Passes

Setting Signup Times, Custom Prices, and Check-in Times for Members

You have the option to offer custom signup times for those that are members of a particular level when these Memberships have been enabled on the offering (from the Eligibility tab- remember that to use this feature, the offering can only be available to people in a membership).

To do this, head to the Visibility tab and scroll to the bottom. Find the Membership you wish to edit the registration times for, and you can choose to set it, even different from the main registration time for the class. See in the image below how the class has an overall Open for registration date that is later than the date for customers that hold the Group 2 Families Membership. This is a great way to offer specialized signup times and create another member perk.

Adjust the price for the offering based on the Membership held. You can override the main price that the general public pays found on the Registration Billing tab. If you have multiple Memberships, you can have multiple price overrides.

You can allow a Member to check in earlier than your Non-members for an event as well found on the Management tab. You can also give them a custom charge at check-in price.

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