Custom Private Lessons


Use Custom Private Lessons to setup, offer, and schedule personalized, private lessons with your participants. Our powerful, patented process is a fantastic way to manage this side of your business.

Setting Up a Public Template 

You will get started by choosing Custom Private Lessons from your Home screen.

Next, you will want to create a Public Template so that people can sign up from your Captyn link. Once you choose the Public Template tab along the top of the page, click on the golden Get Started icon.

You will walk through a series of pages now to create this private lesson offering to your customer base. You will start by choosing terminology; the defaults are typically what is chosen here, but you might prefer this setup:

Next up, you will set your Program Name and an Offering Description. You can use a Program Name of Private Training, or use one that is already created. Use the Offering Description to give some instructions to the participants that will be used later.

Next up, you will set age ranges. I set this example as "All Ages".

After this, you will begin to create your registration packs/billing. For this example (of 10), you will want to choose Create Package. You will set the total number of registrations (10) and set the price per session ($65 here). Notice how it gives a preview of the entire pack purchase price.

Now you will create the Registration Extension rules. You might want to keep it the same. This is the option for people when they work through their initial pack of 10. The page will look the same as the above image.

After setting your Registration Extension rules, you will set your Session Scheduling rules. You will choose the default length of a training session and also set your instructor.

The next page is important for your use case here. This page gives you the Registration Options, or things you can ask your customers.

  • You can request a date range to begin scheduling, which is going to be good for your customers to give to let you know when they can start training.

  • You can choose to restrict the earliest date selection, which is something used for YOUR personal schedule.

  • You can choose the days of week that your customers can choose to train on. This needs to mirror what is placed in the description.

  • Lastly, you will create Additional scheduling details. Here, you can ask the time the customer wants to train. Watch this GIF, which gives you a good idea how to set this up.

Next up, you will set your Checkout Options, like choosing to add your Tax Line Item Fee or not.

Add coupons, Add agreements.

Choose when it is going to display to the Public and also when it is Open for registration.

Last step in creation is simply to Finish it!
This will appear as a Template now on your Public Templates page.
This is what your customers will see.

And here is the flow they will experience with the questions we setup.

Adding a Private Lesson

Head back to Custom Private Lessons from your Home page. Here you will see a list of all active private lessons.

Click on the + Add option in the top right hand corner. 

After entering in the name of the participant, you will begin the flow of creating this custom registration. The first step is to setup the terminology.

Next, you will choose how to classify this. The most common choice is a Private Lesson Program.

After this, you will get into the business of setting up this custom registration. You will decide what type of Scheduling option you would like.

You can choose Flexible scheduling, which is when your customer simply buys a pack of lessons that can be scheduled whenever they need.

You can choose Flexible scheduling, monthly recurring, which is similar to the above, but every month the customer will have their pack of X amount of lessons renewing automatically. This is good if you know you have a customer that will come the same amount of times per month, but on somewhat of a non-consistent schedule each month.

Lastly, you can choose Pre-scheduled, monthly recurring. This is when the classes are preset and will renew each month. This is the most common use case with private lessons. You will choose the days for the lessons, a start date, and the times for each class by clicking on the + Add Time option below each day's listing.

The next step is to setup billing. You will set the price per class.

*Of note, this screen can vary based on the pricing/class setup option you choose on the previous screen.

Choose to Charge upfront, and enable any line item fees you may wish to have.

Assign instructors if known. You can also leave this assignment off, and choose to offer it to any available instructors. This way, your instructors will have an option to claim these sessions when they log into their staff Captyn account.

Add any Agreements needed.

The last step to set this up is to click Continue to Cart and complete a registration as you would for any class offerings you have by searching for an account, selecting your Participants, and finalizing the checkout.

Using Discounts with Custom Private Lessons

Multi-Participant Discounts with Custom Private Lessons

To create a discount for multiple participants, head to the Initial Registration tab of the Custom Private Lessons template setup page.

From there, scroll to the Billing section and select the tab to "Adjust price per session based on the number of participants in a registration"

Choose the + Add price adjustment option, and create a discount structure for each additional participant.

Of Note: Be sure to make one for each level you wish to discount, so one discount for 2 participants, another for 3 participants, and so on.

Multi-Registration Discounts with Custom Private Lessons

If you choose "Unlimited" or "Set minimum" for the number of lessons to purchase, you will get the option to automatically provide a session discount based on quantity purchased. Select the tab to "Automatically provide a session discount based on quantity purchased". Doing this will give an option to select + Add session discount.

When choosing this option, a pop up appears asking for a percentage value to discount as well as a minimum number of sessions required to trigger this discount.

Once it has been Saved, an overview of the discount provided will display.

However, if choosing "Create package", that option goes away. In this case, simply price it accordingly for 3, 4, 5, etc. classes. This means that based on the minimum number of sessions required for the registration, the Default price per session would adjust.

Managing Private Lessons

Once you have Lessons setup for your participants, you will need to manage these in your Captyn account. You will do this by heading to Custom Private Lessons and viewing the default Registrations tab.

You can review all of the statuses on the left-hand sidebar to view those Pending Assignment (to an instructor), In Cart, Paused, or Inactive.

To begin to work with an existing Private Lesson, click on a participant's name. You will see how many classes are available still, contact info, class info, and any option to complete any scheduled private lessons.

To schedule a new session, click on the + Schedule option in the top right corner. Here, you will set all of the details of this particular private lesson.

You will then have the option to send the Account holder an email notifying them of this scheduled lesson.

When reviewing a particular Private Lesson registration, you have a few important controls.

You can choose to quickly add or remove a session, change the instructor, and even Pause or Cancel this private lesson series.

Claiming As An Instructor

When your Instructors log in to their Captyn account, They will be presented with this on their home screen when Private Lessons are there needing to be scheduled. The Instructor can click Schedule Now to get started.

Next, the Instructor will pick a date, time, and location to schedule the lesson.

A confirmation email with custom message (if desired) can be sent.

This scheduled lesson will now appear on the participant's list of Private Lessons. Simply click Complete when the lesson has been finished.

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