You have a few ways to consider how you handle fees and passing them along to your customer. Line Item Fees are our recommended approach as they are set based on a percentage. This means the amount will always be consistent based on the total checkout amount.
Creating Line Item Fees
Line Item Fees are ideal if you’re required to collect sales tax or would like to pass along fees as line items on checkout pages to your customers. Fees apply as line items at checkout when turned on for an offering. For recurring offerings, fees will apply to all future transactions.
To get started, click on the menu stack in the upper left-hand corner of Captyn, and choose Settings & Reports.
Next, choose Line Item Fees in the Customer Checkout Options category.
Click on the yellow + Add Fee option to set up a new Line Item Fee.
Give it a title, set if it is a Percent of Flat Fee (we recommend Percent since the transaction fee is always a percentage of the total cart amount). Choose the amount, set a Billing Category, and be sure to check the toggle to Enable it.
You can Edit an existing Line Item Fee by locating one in your list, clicking the drop-down arrow to the right of the title, and clicking Edit Fee.
Setting It Up For Use
Make sure it is enabled when creating or editing your Program options on the Pricing page.
You will see these as "Processing Fees" in the checkout flow, found in the "Payment Summary".