Billing Categories


Use Billing Categories to connect to your transactions for financial management.

Navigating to Billing Categories

To get started with Billing Categories, click on the menu stack found in the upper left-hand corner of your Captyn account, and choose Settings & Reports.

Next, choose Billing Categories, which is the last option in the "Your Operations" section.

Of Note: If you are using Departments, you will first need to enter into the Department and then to the Billing Categories screen as the Categories are dependent upon the Department they are used within.

Settings Up Billing Categories

On the Billing Categories page, you can order (using the arrow to the left of the name) and review all existing categories for editing, and you can also create new ones. To create a new one, select the + Add Billing Category link.

Give your Billing Category a name and choose whether or not to hide from filters.

Editing Billing Categories

To edit an existing option, click on the category you wish you edit from the Billing Categories page.

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