You can use Captyn to capture Information Requests you wish to collect from your Registrants at the time of signup. These can be configured in a handful of ways, and will be tied to the Registration moving forward.
Navigating to Information Request
To set these requests up, click on the menu stack from the upper left-hand corner of your Captyn account. Choose Settings & Reports.
From the Settings page, choose Info Requests in the "Your Customer Information" section.
Creating and Editing Information Requests
From the Information Requests page, you have two options: You can choose to create a new Information Request by clicking + Add info request, or you can edit an existing one by tapping on it.
To add an Information Request, begin by tapping the yellow + Add info request button. Next, complete the form:
Title it in the "Information request text" field. This will be shown to Participants when registering. Set an internal reference as well.
Choose whether or not it is Required for Registration completion.
Of Note: If you choose to require it, registrations will not be able to be completed without this answer.
Choose the response method (detailed below).
Choose whether or not you want a single response per person. If selected, when a customer responds to this info request once, we will never ask them again.
Decide if you'd like to automatically include this on all new offerings by default.
Make it global or not (impacting all new and existing offerings).
When these fields have been completed, click Save.
The Types of Information Requests
There are three types of Information Requests you can create.
Free Text Field
Use this type to simply ask a question and let the Registrant type a free-form answer in a text box.
Predefined Answers
Use this type to ask a question where the Registrant chooses from a list of pre-defined answers. Think of this as a multiple choice question where all applicable answer options that can be selected are known ahead of time. An example would be shirt size.
Use this type to ask a question where the answer is either "Yes" or "No".
Of Note: When using this type, you can use followup questions. For example, if someone chooses "Yes", you can have a followup question that will be a free text field question. If someone chooses "No", you can have a followup question that will be a free text field question.
Editing An Information Request
To edit an existing Information Request option, you can click on the request value itself from the Information Requests page.
This will take you to a page to edit the existing Information Request details.
You can click the "x" to Delete this Information Request, which will remove it from the Registration flow. It will also remove any previously collected information.
Setting Up Information Requests
Once your Information Requests have been created, they can be enabled on each Program's Settings page. These live on the Agreements & Info portion of the Settings. Choose the option(s) you wish to have enabled on your checkout flows.
The Registrant will see these Information Requests when signing up for your Programs.
Locating and Exporting Information Requests
You will be able to find all information requests tied to the list of Registrations on each classes' page. Head to your Programming page and find a class. Click into it to view the list of Registrations. From here, click on Actions and choose Export List.
The data will live in the downloaded CSV on the far right side of the export.