Use the Communications settings in Captyn to customize all automatic messaging that goes out. You can craft custom messages for each Program you have, send them automatically or on a schedule or custom time frame. You can also use our tool to send messages when Users and Registrants create an account, sign up for a Registration, schedule a Private Session, or complete the Final Lesson in a Private Series.
Navigating to Communications
To get to the Communications page, click on the menu stack in the upper left-hand corner of your Captyn account, and click Settings & Reports.
Next, choose Communications from the "Your Operations" section.
Using Canned Messages
There are a handful of automatic, canned messages that can be customized for use in Captyn. These four template types are preset, and will be used for their specified purposes. Portions of the following emails are pre-templated, but you can add additional information as you see fit.
Welcome Email
This email is sent when a new Account is created and joins your organization's Captyn environment. You can customize the highlighted area of this email at the bottom of the screen. Customizations entered into the box at the bottom will be shown in the template above highlighted in yellow for you to preview.
Registration Received
This email is sent when a new Registration has been received. You can customize the highlighted area of this email at the bottom of the screen. Customizations entered into the box at the bottom will be shown in the template above highlighted in yellow for you to preview.
Private Session Scheduled
This email is sent when a new Private Session has been scheduled. You can customize the highlighted area of this email at the bottom of the screen. Customizations entered into the box at the bottom will be shown in the template above highlighted in yellow for you to preview.
Final Lesson in Private Series Completed
This email is sent when the final lesson in a private series has been completed. Customizations entered into the box at the bottom will be shown in the template above highlighted in yellow for you to preview. Use this email to suggest new lessons or Progams to your customers.
Class Cancellation
When you cancel an individual class time, you'll have the option to send this template.
You can use templates to craft custom pieces of communication that can be set on a particular Program for automatic and scheduled delivery. This means that each unique program offering you have can have its own unique automatic message that gets sent to all new registrants. To get started with a new template, head to the Communications page and choose the Templates tab at the top of the page.
Select + New in the top right-hand corner. Here, you will see a series of options to choose.
+ You can first choose if it will be an Email or a Text Message type.
+ Choose whether it is sent At the time of registration, Scheduled, or Custom.
+ Choose whether to enable this new template by default for all new offerings, or make it global, which will apply to all offerings by default.
+ Give it an Internal name. This is important for you to be able to find it in your list of Sent messages on the Communications page.
Set the sending rules for this email.
Scheduled - Select a certain date for this message to go out, and then determine which people group will receive it.
Custom - Set this template to send X amount of days either Before or After the Start Date, End Date, or time of Registration. The tool will change to send ‘at registration’ when if this date passes. Then determine which people group will receive it. At time of registration is the default option here - This will be an automatically sent email when a new registration comes in for this particular program. This message will be sent for all new successful registrations on the program(s) it is assigned.
If choosing an email, you will customize your message next. Set the From email, a CC address, opt to choose yourself a copy, enter a Subject line, Message, and add any attachments you would like. Mark if it is a marketing or promotional email, and save.
If choosing Text, you will simply craft the message in the box below before choosing Save.
Applying to Specific Programming
You can navigate to any of your Programs, and choose the Settings option at the top. You will see an option for Communications along the left-hand sidebar. Choose this to set any messages for this particular Program.
If you have templates created already, you will see them here. You can easily choose the ON/OFF toggles to turn them on or off for the particular setting. Messages that are set as Global will be locked in the ON position.
You can easily craft a New message from this page as well by choosing the + New option in the top right hand corner. You can also use the
Creating a New Template From Programming
If you have no templates created in settings yet, you will see a gold button to Get Started with the creation of a new template. This will take you through the above flow.
Viewing Sent Messages
You can view and review each email that is sent from the Captyn system. Head to the Communications page and you can view these on the left-hand sidebar of the page.
You can tap on the arrows to expand the message view as well and see what the message that was sent.
Emails sent from Captyn have a high deliverability rating, which means that you can expect your customers will be getting these emails. However, in the event that an email has not been received, or reported as such, you can view the status of a message in the Sent section of the Communications page.
You can easily filter for these messages using the filter options in the top left-hand corner of this page. You can filter on the Type of message sent (Email or SMS):
You can filter for messages by the Sender.
You can also filter by the Status of the message. This filter will be helpful when determining if your customers did or did not receive their communications.
You can also use the "Find in list..." search option in the top right corner to further determine your list. This can help you identify that email your customer reported as not receiving.
Resending Messages
You can easily attempt to resend a message to a customer who did not receive the communication. To do this, you can first update the customer profile to ensure that their email address is correct.
Then, find the message that was not received and tap on it from the left-hand sidebar menu. This will open up the email, and you will see options to navigate to the linked account (use this up date the email), call, text, message, or even click on the ellipses to resend the email to the customer.