Use Billing Alerts to see declined charges, when someone may owe you money for a registration, find people without payment methods, and even predictions for future invoices where people have removed a payment method or have a soon-to-be-expired payment method stored for any registrations.
Using the Billing Alerts Page
You can find Billing Alerts from the bottom of the Home screen. You will always see a link to these alerts, even if you have none present.
Selecting this option will give insights into money owed to you. It might be due to declined cards or Accounts with no payment method stored. You will be able to see how much is owed and ways you can contact the Accounts. The page also provides predictive capabilities to give insight into who may owe money in the future.
Managing Billing Alerts
When you navigate to the Billing Alerts page, you will be presented with all applicable Accounts and the associated outstanding balances. We will show the reason they are on this list, as well as the date it was posted.
You have options to easily contact these Accounts. You can click on the mail icon to compose a text or email, or choose an option from the dropdown arrow.
If you choose to Message User, you will have the option to compose an Email or Text to the user to let them know of this outstanding balance.
You can click Call User to place a call directly from your device. If working on a mobile phone, the Phone application will open to place the call. If on a computer or tablet, the applicable application will be used.
You can also Delete the outstanding balance, which will remove it from the list. This will not remove the Account from Captyn.