Send a text message to one or multiple customers' cell phones at one time for quick communication.
Text Customers
Easily send a mass text to all customers to communicate a message quickly. You can send to either all Participants or all Accounts. If you wish to message all Customers (Participants and Accounts), you will need to follow these steps twice, once for the Participants, another for the Accounts.
Head to your People page, and use the tabs at the top of the page to select either Participants or Accounts. Next, choose the Select All option to choose all of the Participants or Accounts.
Then choose Actions > Message Selected.
You will determine if you wish to Email these individuals, or send a Text. You will choose to send this Immediately, or you can choose to Schedule it at a date and time of your choosing. If you schedule it, you will choose additional options when configuring.
Of Note: If you choose a "Scheduled" message, you will have those options appear to choose as well in this step. This schedule will be confirmed on the next screen.
These options will be presented when composing your message.
Next, you will draft your message.
Of Note: Text messages sent in bulk (to more than one (1) recipient) are outbound only, and meant for urgent notifications. You will not receive replies. Also, keep your texts brief as you consider the medium in which they will be digested.
Of Note: If you choose the hyperlink stating "Accounts" under the RECIPIENTS header, you can see a list of all people who will be receiving this message.
Text Customers From A Program
You can target your recipients even further by initiating a message from the Program itself. To do this, head into the specific offering you wish to message. Click on Actions and choose Message List.
You can also choose to start on the root Programming page and use our filtering to get a list of all applicable Programs to message all at once. You could begin filtering for things like Program, Tag, Time of Day, and even more to get your list narrowed down.
Then, just use the same Actions dropdown, and choose Message List.
You will determine if you wish to Email these individuals, or send a Text. When sending this communication, you will choose to send it Immediately, or you can Schedule it (steps shown above). When messaging from a list of Programs, you will also choose which participants that the message should go to (Enrolled, Pending, etc.).
Next, you will draft your message.
If you wish to message contacts just within a particular Offering, you will only see the option to Text or Email your customers.
Then you will see the options to customize your communication.
Of Note: Text messages sent in bulk (to more than one (1) recipient) are outbound only, and meant for urgent notifications. You will not receive replies. Also, keep your texts brief as you consider the medium in which they will be digested.
Text Customers From The Today Screen
You can send a text to a group of contacts from the Today screen. Find your class you wish to message, and click on the cog wheel in the upper right hand corner of the specific class.
You can choose Bulk Message in the window that appears.
You can select Text as your message type, and then choose who to send the communication to.
Next, you will draft your message.
Of Note: Text messages sent in bulk (to more than one (1) recipient) are outbound only, and meant for urgent notifications. You will not receive replies. Also, keep your texts brief as you consider the medium in which they will be digested.
Text An Individual
You can text an individual directly. You can text via navigating to a Participant from a Program:
From the People page:
Or from the magnifying glass search option found in the upper right-hand corner of your Captyn account. Using the search option, find the contact you are wishing to text.
From the profile you have located via search, find and click the Text icon on the Account Owner line.
Follow the prompts to configure your text, and choose to send yourself a copy if you wish.
When texting an individual, you have the option to send the text from your personal number on your personal device. This is beneficial if you need to open a line of communication with the account holder potentially to let them know of an opening in a class or an update about their participant. When you select this option, the native messaging app on your phone, tablet, or computer will open, and you will begin a traditional two-way text from your personal number.
Of Note: If you choose to send the text from your personal number, the standard Captyn SMS number will not be used; your personal number will be used, and your native messaging app on your device will be used.