Email Statuses

Use the Email Status indicator to see how your emails are performing


There are multiple email statuses that a message can hold when sending emails from Captyn. This article reviews these along with best practices for handling.


The "Sent" status is used when a message has been sent from Captyn and has successfully left Captyn's servers and is in the process of delivering. Sometimes you will see messages deliver quickly, which is common with domains like But, some servers are a little slower to receive as in the case of an .edu address or something along those lines. These messages should move to the "Delivered" category, although sometimes may end up as "Failed".


The "Delivered" status is used when a message has been sent from Captyn and has successfully delivered in the recipients inbox. This message has performed as hoped for in terms of sending and delivery.


The "Opened" status is used when a message has been sent from Captyn and has successfully delivered in the recipients inbox, and the recipient has opened the email. This action of opening is tracked by mail servers and creates a unique action. This status is helpful to know that your messages are being seen and read.


The "Failed" status is used when a message has been sent from Captyn but has not successfully delivered in the recipients inbox. These are commonly coupled with error messages like the recipients inbox is full, the email address has unsubscribed from your communications, or other errors. Please contact our Support Team to see why a message might be failing. We do not post the reason for this in Captyn, but our Support Team is able to help!


The "Unsubscribed" status is used when a message has been sent from Captyn but has not successfully delivered in the recipients inbox due to the recipient voluntarily unsubscribing from your emails. The Support Team can assist in getting an email back on your email list if desired.

Filtering for Statuses

You can filter for messages of any/all statuses on the Communications page in your Captyn account.

You can use the Dropdown found in the upper left hand corner of the Communications page and choose just the messages you want. This will filter for entire emails that contain this status, and the list of email results will show in the left-hand bar.

When selecting and viewing a particular email from the left-hand bar, you can filter for the unique statuses within that send using the selectors at the top of the recipient list when viewing an email.

Best Practices

There are many things you can to do keep your email list healthy and your contacts from continuing to be a part of your email distribution list. Keeping an eye on deliverability (failures and unsubscribes) is a great idea, and can help you determine your next steps. If at any point in time you have any questions or needs, please reach out to the Support Team. They can help you gain insight into your messages, deliverability, and assist with keeping your list up to date.

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