Tracking Hours + Private Lessons


Need to perform Payroll for your Private Lessons? Use this guide as a way to find out who to pay.

Understanding the Statuses

When you have Private Lessons, there are several statuses that a lesson can be in. It can be:

  • In Progress

  • Pending Assignment

  • In Cart

  • Paused

  • Inactive

Once a lesson has started, it is in progress, and will be until all of the lessons have been completed. This is what you see right now when you view your list of Registrations.

When a participant has completed their lessons, you can view their list of lessons and you can choose to first mark their session as Complete.

Once a session has been marked as Complete, that is where this function of "Payroll" really comes into play.

Setting Up for Payroll

After you mark these sessions as Completed, what you will do is then go and look for all sessions that are Completed, and you have a new tab, which is called Verified. When you mark a lesson as Verified, it locks it in, and the instructor cannot make any more adjustments to it like change the completion or other functions of the lesson. This is going to be key for you in terms of knowing who and how much to pay out. So when you are ready to move a lesson into a "payable lesson", you will click on the Verify option next to each lesson.

As you are doing this, you will notice the Session Stats on the left hand side menu updating.

Once you have marked these as such, you can view those lessons for the participant, and see which ones have been Verified. These are the ones that you should be paying out to your instructors. So in this example, the instructor would need to be paid for three lessons as two are still awaiting that verification.

Filtering for Lessons

As you are using this, we also have a very helpful filter you can use to see what needs to happen. From the root page of the Private Lessons, you can see the Needs filter.

Choosing these options will let you know if you have any lessons that still need:

  • Scheduling (meaning they have not begun any scheduling)

  • Completing (meaning they have finished lessons but have not been marked as such)

  • They have been marked as Completed, but not yet Verified. This is the one you will want to focus on for payroll purposes.

Lessons that need Scheduling can look like this:

Lessons that need Completing can look like this:

Clicking onto a name will take you to a screen to mark as completed.

Lessons that need Verifying can look like this:

To take any of these three actions, simply click onto the participant's name to take you to the corresponding spot.

Needs Scheduling:

Needs Completing:

Needs Verifying:

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