Duplicating Offerings


You have a couple of options when it comes to duplicating your class offerings. We make this very straight forward. There is a great option for duplicating a few and another for creating many offerings.

Duplicate an Offering

To be able to easily duplicate your classes, you can either go into a particular class you wish to duplicate, and on the left hand panel, you can choose "Duplicate".

This will allow you to make a carbon copy of the offering you are duplicating, and you will go through the steps to make edits to things like date, time, location, and price.

Importing a Large Number of Offerings

The other option is to do an export from the Programming page, which will give you a file in the proper format for you to edit and send back to our Support Team to import for you on your behalf. This is helpful if you have many classes to import at once.

Simply click Actions > Export List for Duplicating to get this file.

Be sure to follow the format of the file as you are creating your new classes, and keep an eye on the IDs in Column A.

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